Ceramic Lined Y-Type Tee


We specialize in Ceramic lined Y-type tee and flow conditioning assemblies to tame the most demanding flow applications.

Main properties of ceramic lined pipe

Content of Alumina≥95%
Density≥3.5 g/cm3
Rockwell Hardness≥80 HRA
Impact Strength≥850 Mpa
Bending Strength ≥290MPa
Breaking Temper≥4.8MPa·m1/2
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion20W/m.K

What is Y-type tee in piping?

Y-type tee is a type of pipe fitting which is Y-shaped having two outlets, at 45° to the connection to the main line. It is a short piece of pipe with a lateral outlet. Pipe Tee is used to connect pipelines with a pipe at a right angle with the line. Pipe Tees are widely used as pipe fittings.
