Cast Basalt Lined Steel Pipe

Cast basalt lined steel pipe is composed by lined with cast basalt pipe, outside steel pipe and cement mortar filling between the two layers. It combines the advantages of cast basalt and steel pipe, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, anti-high-pressure, transportation and easy installation. Water transport in plant ash and metal mine tailings pipeline hydraulic conveyance system applying this product can life up to 30 years. Cast basalt lined steel pipe is divided into straight tube, elbow, tee, reducer pipe.

There Are Always Wear And Tear Of Equipment And Materials In Industrial Production.

With the rapid development of modern industry, the equipment running faster and faster, the wear rate is also faster and more serious. Equipment or material life has become an important factor which restricts enterprises to improve production efficiency.

In most cases, the biggest cost for a company is lost production time due to unplanned downtime. Effective use of suitable wear-resistant materials can reduce the frequency of unexpected shutdowns in the production process, extend production time, and reduce company costs.

According to statistics, each year in metallurgy, mining, electricity, coal industry, because of wear of equipment and materials caused losses amounting to 40 billion.

Although the wear and tear of materials or equipment hardly leads to catastrophic events, the accumulation of energy and material consumption is phenomenal. In many basic industries, material transportation and equipment wear and tear exist simultaneously.
The loss caused by wear and tear is not only the initial equipment investment, but the more serious loss caused by unplanned downtime is the swallowing of corporate assets.

High resistant silicon carbide ceramic lined steel tubes with SiC for gold and iron ore and copper and steel plant and power plant.
